PER atlas
Seminários exPERts
O Ciclo de Conferências exPERts reúne apresentações de membros da equipa e de investigadores convidados, sobre ideias, métodos e pesquisas que contribuam para o desenvolvimento do projecto.

Até à data, já participaram:

1. 13/11/2015 – Marco Allegra, Roberto Falanga, Simone Tulumello (exPERts): Methodological and theoretical dimensions of exPERts;

2. 10/05/2016 – João Pedro Nunes (Nova University of Lisbon): Historical dimensions of Portuguese housing policy; Sónia Alves (exPERts): Comparative perspectives on European housing policy;

3. 31/05/2016 – David Varady (University of Cincinnati), Fátima Matos (University of Porto): Comparative housing, PER and HOPE VI;

4. 24/10/2016 – Ana Ferreira (exPERts): The architects of/and the PER; Alessandro Colombo (exPERts): Action research in distressed urban areas;

5. 21/11/2016 – António Brito Guterres (ISCTE-IUL): Rehousing and urban cultures in Lisbon metro; Caterina Di Giovanni (exPERts): Habita and the right to housing.

6. 03/03/2017 – Nicolas Gharbi (DG-Regio, EC): European policies for urban areas.

7. 09/03/2017 – Ana Rita Alves (University of Coimbra): The PER and (anti-)racism.

8. 16/05/2017 – Jorge Neves (FCSH-UNL): PER in the municipality of Loures: memories from a photographic survey

9. 23/10/2017 – Giacomo Pozzi (University of Milano Bicocca): Housing precariousness and bureaucratic reason; Caterina Di Giovanni (FCSH-UNL and ISCTE-IUL): Social innovation and regeneration of social housing.

10. 06/11/2017 – Sara Medeiros (Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte): Rent, segregation and gentrification in Natal.

11. 14/11/2017 – Jorge Malheiros (IGOT-ULisboa): Rehousing and urban regeneration

12. 08/10/2018 – Marina Carreiras (IGOT-ULisboa): Sociospatial integration of social housing neighbourhoods in Lisbon metro.

13. 12/11/2018 – Adam Standring (FCSH-UNL): Expertise, objectivity and the spatial (re)production of austerity.

14. 21/01/2019 – Juliana Blasi Cunha (PPGSP/UENF): Participatory methods and slum upgrading in Rio de Janeiro